Joining The Team
Frequently Asked Questions
We are seeking candidates who embrace our Purpose and Values, someone who has the business acumen and drive to operate within our system. A candidate with a demonstrated ability to build and lead high-performing teams. We are looking for candidates who can deliver growth.
A candidate must have $200k in liquid assets and have a $500k net worth per location. However, if you are in a position where you would have to cash out the majority of your personal savings to meet the minimum requirements, you may not be a good fit for an Interstate Batteries Distributorship opportunity.
The investment range varies depending upon the specific distributorship opportunity. All of the opportunities available are with existing distributorships or a combination of existing distributorships. Each qualified candidate will have access to the P & L of the specific distributorship that is available.
Each distributorship is unique. You will have access to the financials of the distributorship during the due diligence process. However, there are many variables that make it impossible to predict future results with any certainty, including: sales, operating costs, financing terms, your ability to manage and control the business and other factors. For these reasons, we do not predict future sales, costs, or profits for any, nor can we predict whether or to what extent you may succeed.
Becoming a Distributor Partner is a multi-step process that includes Candidate Pre-Qualification, Application, Due Diligence, Business Plan Review, Home Office Interview Day, Approval, Contract Signing and On-boarding. On average, the candidate approval process takes approximately 60-120 days.